Thursday, July 28, 2011

Quality Control

I was washing some fleece the other of those 95 degree days........ and we have a perfect spot to lay damp wool to dry.  Our old concrete patio runs the length of the south side of the house and putting wool on a clean sheet on the hot stone is like putting a pizza in the oven - done in about 10 minutes!  (OK, that's an exaggeration but not by much.)

So I stepped out to check it's progress and found that Cleo was already doing quality control on it, checking for softness and resilience.

Ahh, purrfection.

Comfy or not, I had to pick the fiber up before chores, so nap time had to end.

Get up?  I'm not sure how that concept applies to me.

But I'm still tired, see?

Well, if I have to.  It IS almost chow chore time.

Cleo LOVES Holly - all the cats do - and quite often she tries to follow us down the road when we go for a walk.  In this case, we just had to cross the road to go into the barn, but she was still all happy to be walking with her pal.


Holly considers herself queen over the cats and sometimes she ignores them when they try to rub on her or even avoids them if she's not in a mood to be sociable, which is pretty rude, but they always seem to forgive her lapse in manners.  And that's a great quality in a friend.

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