The sky was really pretty with unusual clouds and a ton of jet trails that didn't seem to want to disappear.
This time Andy headed for the woods next to the now-empty corn field. Trees are always trying to claim open ground and the edge of the forest really needs to be clear-cut back a good fifty feet but for now we'll just cherry pick the meaty trees that will add up fast. Unfortunately a lot of them are dead or dying - partly wet ground, partly ash decline, partly crowded conditions - and so getting them to fall properly was dicey work. After an initial walk around while he scouted out which trees to cut I hooked Holly's leash to the butt of a log already out in the field where she'd be out of harm's way no matter what went wrong.
"I can't believe you tied me up here like I was a bad dog."
"I will lay here in the sun with my back to you and shun you and plot my revenge.....zzzzz."
The trees really fought him all morning. Standing so close together they interfered with each other and often wouldn't fall, just lean into other trees and not fall which of course is dangerous to deal with. Thankfully, we rely on the logging winch to pull these things down from a distance.
In the video below, the standing tree in the center is cut through, just teetering on the stump, not toppling. So, Andy hitched a chain on the butt and ran the winch cable back to it and used the tractor's power to dislodge it. Of course it jammed against another stump and stopped, so Andy repositioned the chain so it would spin the tree and roll it away from the stump and then it could fall. The very next tree got stuck at about a 45 degree angle and the cable was employed again to pull it off the stump..... and then it jammed against the first tree's stump. Andy went in and cut the butt log off and then he could get it out. A lot of trees came out in shorter pieces. The winch cable is 165 feet long and making multiple trips back to the same tree, and then to other trees, plus carting the chainsaw around cutting the trees..... Andy's a pooped puppy after a day of cutting firewood.
Yup, an arrow! We do allow hunting for deer, turkey, bear and raccoon, deer in particular as they do so much damage to young trees and field crops. (We don't allow trapping or hunting of coyote, fox, crow or other such critters). Anyway, this one clearly missed the mark and became so embedded in the small tree that we couldn't dislodge it and I imagine the archer was peeved as those arrows aren't cheap.
The arrow must have been fired from very nearby judging from the depth of penetration into solid wood and the fact that the trees are thick as hair on a dog right there. Some lucky deer evaded his date with Fate.
Maybe we ought to leave the tree standing, for luck.
I have a 40 foot Mulberry tree that fell in my pasture if Andy runs out of trees to cut.