Cool and cloudy, just what the sheep like.
The sheep have the best view on the farm
Sheep spread out as far as the eye can see
But then coming back to the house I saw a cool Little Thing. LOTS of them in fact.
Salutations, Wilbur!
Apparently, the overlapping edges of the siding on the house was a safe place to put a big spider egg sac last fall. They are blurry if you biggify, but trust me - they are black and yellow and might grow up to look like this:
Yellow Garden Spider
There were several of these beauties in the privet hedge last year. By the next morning the little ones were all gone, carried away by their silk draglines, just like Charlotte's children.
Alexi says,
Spiders? Ptooie. No meat on 'em.
We'll look for more big and little things tomorrow.
Sheep good...spider bad!